Transport UPDATE: P1-P5 and S1 MVV Cards 2023/24
09/2023 Please read this short information on how the MVV cards for the school year 2023/2024, which were delivered to EV-ESM last Friday, will be issued to the pupils: P1-P5 pupils: can collect their cards between 9am and 1pm from the EV-ESM office at Fasangarten Primary School, from Monday September 4, 2023. S1 pupils: the cards will be distributed by the class teacher on Monday 04.09.2023. Pupils of the other classes will receive a separate email when and how the MVV cards will be distributed. Please remember that any students who applied for an MVV card for the first time and/or have not yet done so, or those who moved during the summer, will need to take an extra step as soon as possible to complete the application process. Only when this process is completed will a MVV card issued by the City of Munich. Click on the link below to complete and submit the following...